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Quality issues within the Scottish / British wood heating industry

As a business Gondwana has been in wood heating industry for over 12 years now, with in house experience of all wood fired heating systems from the humble cast iron or steel stoves to masonry heaters to pellet and chip boilers, not to mention pellet stoves and all those boiler stoves.


Kiln dried fire wood, what’s the fuss about?

So why is kiln dried wood cost more than air dried? Well simply, kiln dried is timber logs stacked into crates put into a “kiln”. The kiln normally has heat panels above a bit like big radiators which heats the logs to remove the moisture. To heat these heat panels above we need hot water, this is heated in various ways , projects we have been involved with use large log gasification boilers to heat the water to dry the logs, however different heat sources can be used.


A guide to fire wood, for wood burning stoves and log gasification boilers

As a business we are constantly having the conversations about fire wood, we always amazed by the theory’s people come out with, for example yesterday I was at a potential customers home, who has a small ash plantation. He proceeded to explain that ash wood could be burnt wet, I asked him why ash had these magical properties. His answer was its true I read it online.


Stainless steel twin wall chimney lining (to line or not to line) ?

To line or not to line, so whats the advantage and the disadvantages Well a double wall stainless steel twin wall flexi liner is just just that, a 1 piece flexible pipe basically. The outer-shell is crimped together while the inner shell is woven into the outer created a twin wall flexible liner for your …


Defra approved – exempt, is it worth the paper its written on?

Well, being an Edinburgh based company, we are constantly restricted by Defra approved appliances both on the stove side and the biomass boiler side. So what is defra approval – exemption, well its stands for the department of enviroment, food and rural affairs and basicly lists appliances that have been tested at great expence to …


Free fire wood for Edinburgh residents

Hi, as promised information on how to get free fire wood, this is a scheme run by new Caledonia woodlands. They are a charity which is currently helping people understand how to manage woodlands around Scotland. They have already done one day where they take you into the woods to show you how to manage woodland. …


Tree planting days for Gondwana Green Heat

Gondwana Green Heat are proud to announce that yet another 150+ trees have been planted in the heart of the Scottish borders well award winning bed and breakfast Brimham house located just 5 miles from Kelso. With its stunning view of the Eildon hills its certainly a stunning spot to plant trees, we planted 4 varieties …


More trees for Scotland

Gondwana Green Heat is proud to announce that we have just finished our second major tree planting day, so that’s 150 + trees planted part of our on going commitment to plant 5 trees for every wood burning stove or biomass boiler installed. 4 varieties (birch, Scots pine, oak and ash) were planted at the beautiful …


Ecobuild 2012 – The Highlights

Firstly thanks to Graham (Gordon Smith manager of the Temple Park Crescent, Edinburgh branch) for inviting and entertaining me at Ecobuild this year. It was a great exhibition with a massive range of products on show. There were some interesting new products, improved existing products and a couple of products which I think are very …

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