A Thermal store is a tank either made of copper, stainless steel , mild steel etc, and is what it says on the tin a thermal store (heat store) the tank stores heat for when you need it, this is important when dealing with any solid fuel so you have heat when you need it, there is noting worse than getting the stove going first thing in a freezing house, the thermal store enables you to store the heat until you want / need it. The other main advantage is mains pressure hot tap water created by a indirect coil within the thermal store.
You can also add other heat sources to a thermal store, for example:
Thermal stores come in different sizes with different coils and adaptions and are available off the shelf or for more specialised projects made to order. There are various reasons why all our heating projects use thermal stores and why many other company’s are following our lead.
Thermal store / Thermal storage tanks came about originally to deal with capturing excess heat mainly from solid fuel heating and solar systems, originally the heat was wasted in the form of large heat leak radiators.
However nowadays on a domestic level they are favoured because it allows you to link multiple heat sources together.
For example a common system layout is a small biomass appliance eg wood burning boiler stove, oil boiler and solar thermal. Without a thermal store in this situation you would end up going down the dreaded diffuser route and large heat leak rads. Both of which waste heat and frankly don’t work that well.
300 litre, thermal store made by MacDonald engineering in Fife
The main advantages of having a fully fledged wood burning boiler stove central heating system.
The disadvantages of wood burning boiler stoves in Scotland.
This was designed to be a informative page on boilers stoves, if you need more information or would like to speak about a commission please get in touch.