Masonry heaters have significant advantages over other kinds of woodburning stove, and at Gondwana Green Heat we believe that more British households and business should consider opting for these beautiful, highly efficient heating systems if they can.
By using the thermal mass they are encased in, masonry heaters are can store heat for many hours after the fire in them has gone out, slowly push warmth away from the stove through low frequency heat waves. This means that instead of overheating the room where it sits, as many conventional stoves do, a masonry heater will gently push heat to the far extremities of your home. With the possibility of adding a back-boiler to produce hot tap water or feed your radiators as well, masonry stoves are a very real green alternative to gas- or oil-fired central heating.
One factor that must be borne in mind, however, is weight: most of our masonry heaters weigh in excess of 700kg, whereas most steel or cast iron stoves are around 100kg. Therefore, a masonry heater is going to require a good base to sit on, where as a steel/cast iron stove will fit neatly with no structural floor needed.
Size is also an issue. Most masonry stoves we build are around a 1m x 1m, although they can be much larger depending on design. Heated seats, benches and pet snugs can be incorporated too.