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Efficiency, Location and Sizing

Efficiency, Location and Sizing of a Masonry Stove Heater

Most well designed masonry stoves have efficiency of around 90%. This efficiency is way in excess of wood burning steel/cast stoves, which range from 65% to around 80%, and open fires which only achieve around 15-35% depending on design and draw. Masonry stoves are normally located on the ground floor and ideally centrally located to allow heat to permeate throughout the ground floor before escaping to the next level. It is possible with a well designed masonry heater to heat a whole property. Its also possible to add a baking oven and back boiler into a masonry stove, which can heat a thermal store for radiators or underfloor heating and DHW (please see hot water storage pages for details).

If you are interested in masonry stove or would like more information regarding options available, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We can provide kit masonry heaters or we can build you a custom stove to you size and specification.